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Lowpolygon3D People Big Collection

1) Casual 6 and 9: FBX+MAX4+ OBJ+3DS
3D model people in .fbx and .max4 format. Geometry 2000-4000 faces per character. Texture map resolution 1024*1024.
Characters suitable for medium distance viewing. Individual geometries may introduce modelling and texturing errors that are due to used technology and optimized cost-effort ratio and thus belong to the naturalistic nature of the collection. Static meshing, not suitable for animating.

2) Business 1 Animate MAX5.1 (+CS4.1)
Animate able 3D model people in .max5.1 (+CS4.1) format. Models have skeleton and skin information. Geometry 2000-4000 faces per character. Texture map resolution 1024*1024.
Characters suitable for medium distance viewing. Individual geometries may introduce modelling and texturing errors that are due to used technology and optimized cost-effort ratio and thus belong to the naturalistic nature of the collection.

Motions 2 BIP + BVH
16 different real actor captured motions (raw motion data) in .BIP and .BVH formats suitable for architectural scenes. Data may require adjustments per model for finished look. Up/ down stairs loops need manual Z-setting. Variable duration shown in frames.

10305frames 9-outside idle long2
0630 frames 9-outside shopping-1
0539 frames 9-outside shopping-2
9019 frames 10-inside shopping-1
0170 frames 12-up rightt
0217 frames 12-up stright
0258 frames 13-down left
0225 frames 13-down zigzag
0205 frames 13-down
3278 frames 14-sitting-min acting
1294 frames 15-bad soup
1852 frames 15-eating
2369 frames 15-eating-2
1743 frames 15-eating-3
1999 frames 15-good soup
1641 frames 15-talking

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